Lynette Carolla, and Stefanie Wilder-Taylor are two mothers of twins just trying not to eff it up. In this raucous hour of conversation they, along with Producer Caelan Biehn, a father of two young girls, cover a range of topics from marriage, divorce and the space in between, to what they’re watching, where they’re going (Target) and how they manage to look so damn young. The format is informative, loose and most of all entertaining. If you’re looking for parenting advice you’ve come to the wrong place but when you hear their honest, unfiltered experiences you may come away knowing what NOT to do. Put them in your ears while you clean your floors or walk your dog and let them keep you company during what will surely become your favorite hours of the week. New shows come out Tuesdays and Fridays.


Title Date published
Maybe You’re The Source 2019-03-15
I Fancy Myself Woke 2019-03-12
Bangs Don’t Know What To Do 2019-03-08
I Want My Murder Serious 2019-03-05
Just Don’t Eat It 2019-03-01
You Get A Lasagne! 2019-02-26
I’m Feeling A Tiny Bit Triggered 2019-02-22
You Want Me To Take A Picture Of It? 2019-02-18
Put That In Your Vape Pen And Smoke it 2019-02-14
Is Someone Pranking Me? 2019-02-12
Just Give Me A List 2019-02-08
How Many Dips Do you Need? 2019-02-05
Just Be Content 2019-02-01
Do I Have Amnesia, Again? 2019-01-30
Don’t Organize Me 2019-01-25
If There’s A Way To Get Confused, We’ll Find It 2019-01-22
Was I Not Busy? 2019-01-18
You Think I’m Gonna Teach You? 2019-01-15
Out Of Touch 2019-01-11
Hawaii Vacation Recap 2019-01-08

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