Jesse Kelly Show


Title Date published
Jesse wants listeners to view the Communists as robots instead of people 2023-12-01
The debate tonight between Ron DeSantis & Gavin Newsom...Disney Lost $387 Million at Streaming This Summer 2023-12-01
Communists and their religion confuse Jesse...Pros and cons of fruit and vegetables 2023-11-30
Jesse discusses suicide... A religious war is going on in this country right now 2023-11-30
Americans need an extra $11,400 to just afford 'the basics' 2023-11-30
Covid horror stories...AOC claims working class residents fleeing NYC because it’s too expensive 2023-11-29
Covid horror stories...Pa. water system hacked by Iranian-backed cyber group 2023-11-29
Covid horror stories...Hunter Biden agrees to testify publicly before the House Oversight Committee 2023-11-29
Evil in the Government...The Government is acting like we aren't in a Financial Crisis 2023-11-28
Jesse talks about his son starting driving school...Jesse hates putting up Christmas decorations & Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney 2023-11-28
Jesse talks about his dislike of woke companies like Target...Jesse makes fun of Joe Biden...Jesse's Travel Tricks 2023-11-28
Jesse talks about the custom made gun he's having made 2023-11-25
The FBI has two jobs... Protect Democrats and Arrest Republicans 2023-11-25
American Values are not what they used to be 2023-11-25
Jesse breaks down the Reuters article 'Thanksgiving meal costs Americans less this year' 2023-11-24
What does Xi Jinping think of Biden and the US 2023-11-24
Jesse gives an update on the DNC situation and he has the lowdown on what is taught in US law schools 2023-11-24
Lou Penrose in for Jesse: Vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge 2023-11-23
Lou Penrose in for Jesse: American Made products last longer than Chinese made plastic crap 2023-11-23
Lou Penrose in for Jesse: Free Trade in the United States...Certain types of foods you can give your Dog on Thanksgiving 2023-11-23

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