Jesse Kelly Show


Title Date published
COVID-19 Pandemic...National Debt...Jesse thinks Barack Obama despised America 2024-01-10
$5300 in sunglasses/merchandise stolen from a New York City department store 2024-01-09
Democrats are desperate to end the Israeli-Hamas war 2024-01-09
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin hospitalized and his assistant was on vacation and was unaware of it 2024-01-09
Jesse Discusses Being Your Authentic Self 2024-01-06
Jesse explains that Communists are Bitter People and Why are Ron DeSantis Supporters so Mean 2024-01-06
Jesse talks Illegal Immigration, the Roman Army, and How to Search Your Kids Room 2024-01-06
Mass shooting in Iowa...Jesse talks about a time when he and his family rode bikes in a foreign country 2024-01-05
Black people are very upset with Biden due to the migrant crisis...National Debt 2024-01-05
Communists only care about destruction...Jesse goes on a rant about migrants being ungrateful 2024-01-05
Why it's so important that we get the border secured sooner rather than later. 2024-01-04
The National Debt issues we have in the Country...What could happen if Trump ends up getting on every ballot in each state 2024-01-04
Federal prosecutors are seeking a six-month prison sentence for Ray Epps 2024-01-04
Communists against Donald Trump...Donald Trump and the FBI 2024-01-03
Jeffrey Epstein...Jesse talks about his holiday vacation...Harvard President Claudine Gay resigns 2024-01-03
Primary Elections...Jesse recalls the Government Shutdown 2024-01-03
New York Mayor Eric Adams visits D.C. to address migrant issues...Communist Schools 2024-01-02
Hunter Biden charged with evading $1.4m in taxes..56% of Republicans want Government Price Control 2024-01-02
The worst time listeners got in trouble as a child 2024-01-02
James T. Harris in for Jesse: Speaks with Congressman Andy Biggs 2023-12-30

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