Jesse Kelly Show


Title Date published
Failures of Democratic Party 2025-01-11
Handling of California Wildfires 2025-01-11
Ask Dr. Jesse Friday 2025-01-11
Why communists are not saying this time that Trump's election was illegitimate 2025-01-10
Jesse doesn't like term limits 2025-01-10
Communists are everywhere and we shouldn't be nice to them 2025-01-10
California Wildfires 2025-01-09
Trump's Plans And Policies 2025-01-09
The fact checking industry is funded by communists to cover for communists 2025-01-09
Jesse returns from his trip to Italy 2025-01-08
Medal Of Honor Tuesday featuring U.S. Army Word War II vet Technician 4th Grade Laverne Parrish 2025-01-08
A New Year's Eve compliment backfires on Jesse 2025-01-08
Lidia Curanaj in for Jesse: All the media wants to talk about is J6 2025-01-07
Lidia Curanaj in for Jesse: The media is still clinging to it's narratives about J6 and Biden's mental state 2025-01-07
Lidia Curanaj in for Jesse: Joe Biden is an angry, horrible, miserable person 2025-01-07
Guest Host James T. Harris-Radical Terrorism 2025-01-04
Guest Host James T. Harris-Certain Democrats Willing to Work with Trump 2025-01-04
Guest Host James T. Harris-Handling of Covid Pandemic 2025-01-04
James T. Harris in for Jesse: James wants a Cybertruck and will stay at Trump hotels if possible 2025-01-03
James T. Harris in for Jesse: The FBI has been too focused on "white supremacists" and targeting you 2025-01-03

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