Join Holly and Tracy as they bring you the greatest and strangest Stuff You Missed In History Class in this podcast by iHeartRadio.


Title Date published
How the Stonewall Riots Worked 2009-07-08
Duchess of Decadence: Georgiana 2009-07-06
Ghosts of History: The Borley Rectory 2009-07-01
The Amelia Earhart Mystery 2009-06-29
Ghosts of History: Versailles 2009-06-24
The Golem of Prague 2009-06-22
Ghosts of History: Winchester Mystery House 2009-06-17
Fan Pick: Best Innovators in History 2009-06-15
Were the Robber Barons America's greatest philanthropists? 2009-06-10
What did Greek philosophers think about happiness? 2009-06-08
Was Teddy Roosevelt the First Green President? 2009-06-03
The Marco Polo Pasta Myth 2009-06-01
Presidential Perks 2009-05-27
What really happened at Kent State? 2009-05-25
How the Tuskegee Airmen Worked 2009-05-20
Did Betsy Ross really make the first American Flag? 2009-05-18
Mesopotamia: The First Civilization 2009-05-13
How the Battle of Gettysburg Worked 2009-05-11
Were people vying to become slaves in the Ottoman Empire? 2009-05-06
Gandhi's Salt March 2009-05-04

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