A.J., Graeme, and Thomas discuss everything having to do with the classical world. Our aim is to help both educators and laypeople enjoy the classical world as much as they enjoy fine ales and good tales.


Title Date published
141: Camus's "The Myth of Sisyphus" 2020-11-17
140: Till [The Romantics] Have Faces 2020-11-10
139: Purgatory, Yo 2020-11-03
138: The Stranger 2020-10-27
137: I See Satan Fall Again, or "Lightning Does Strike Twice" 2020-10-20
136: Crime and Punishment 2020-10-13
135: Pastoral Theology and the Classical Tradition 2020-10-06
134: I See Satan Fall Like Lightning 2020-09-29
133: Don Quixote 2020-09-22
132: The Poetic Edda 2: An Otter Named "Otter" 2020-09-15
131: Intellectus for the Rest of Us 2020-09-08
130: Why English teachers ARE liars 2020-09-01
129: The Poetic Edda: "Odin's Pickled Head" 2020-08-25
128: Antonio Gramsci 2020-08-18
127: Plato X - "Er Goes to Hell" 2020-08-11
126: Patronage 2020-08-04
125: Plato IX: Tyrone 2020-03-31
124: Government Shmovernment 2020-03-24
123: Purgatorio: not just what a happy, Italian cat says 2020-03-17
122: Plato VIII: Aaron, Timmy, Ollie, Dmitri, and Tyrone 2020-03-10

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