A.J., Graeme, and Thomas discuss everything having to do with the classical world. Our aim is to help both educators and laypeople enjoy the classical world as much as they enjoy fine ales and good tales.


Title Date published
220: I Kant Stop: "Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals" pt. DEUX 2022-12-13
219: War of the Roses 4: The Bookish King Lands a Hottie 2022-11-16
218: I just Kant: "Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals" 2022-11-01
217: The Nicomachean Ethics on why children are bad 2022-10-25
216: Plato's Crito 2022-09-27
215: Learning in Wartime 2022-09-20
214: Plato's Apology 2022-09-13
213: Coleridge and the Rime of the Ancient Mariner 2022-09-06
212: Plato's Dialogue, "Euthyphro" 2022-08-30
211: War of the Roses 3: The Romantic Queen and the Monkish King 2022-08-23
210: Children's Lit - Live at Paideia! 2022-08-16
209: The Social Contract: Rousseau goes ham all over Christianity 2022-08-10
208: War of the roses: The Battle of Agincourt 2022-08-02
207: Nietzsche, Leopardi, and the Meaning of Meaning 2022-07-26
206: War of the Roses: The Roots 2022-07-19
205: The Social Contract 2: Electric Boogaloo 2022-07-12
204: Frederick Douglass on the 5th of July 2022-07-05
203: Bronowski's "The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination" 2022-06-28
202: Jean-Jacques Rousseau's "The Social Contract" (Compact?) 2022-06-21
201: On the Genealogy of Morality 2022-06-15

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