Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.


Title Date published
ELI5 LED Bulbs - why the blue one warranted a Nobel prize? 2020-11-20
ELI5 Snow - what makes the perfect snowflake? 2020-11-13
ELI5 Asteroids - why NASA wants to catch an asteroid? 2020-11-06
ELI5 Pluto - is it a planet or not? 2020-10-30
ELI5 Asbestos - how does it cause cancer? 2020-10-23
ELI5 MSG - how does it make food tasty? 2020-10-16
ELI5 Fast Planes - why so little progress in recent decades? 2020-10-09
ELI5 Shampoo - all colors of shampoo foam white, why? 2020-10-02
ELI5 Vitamin D - what do you mean it's not a vitamin? 2020-09-25
ELI5 Dreams - why running is so hard in dreams? 2020-09-18
ELI5 French Fries - really they weren't invented in France? 2020-09-11
ELI5 Microwaves - the full truth behind why no metal? 2020-09-04
ELI5 Eagle Eye - do they have zoomed in vision? 2020-08-28
ELI5 Calendars - how the world agrees on the day & date? 2020-08-21
ELI5 Nursery Rhymes - why so morbid? 2020-08-14
ELI5 Hair - pluck out a hair, then rub the pain away, why does this work? 2020-08-07
ELI5 Red & White Meat - what makes chicken meat white, but beef red? 2020-07-31
ELI5 Ice Cream - why do we eat it out of a cone? 2020-07-24
ELI5 Sister Cities - are twin cities a gimmick or is there more to the relationship? 2020-07-17
ELI5 Circular Windows - why don't planes and ships have square windows? 2020-07-10

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