Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.


Title Date published
ELI5 Mouthwash - why do so few dentists recommend it? 2021-04-09
ELI5 Suez Canal - its important and why Napoleon was involved? 2021-04-02
ELI5 Tulip Mania - the first speculative bubble and its lessons 2021-03-26
ELI5 Non Fungible Tokens - would you pay millions for digital art? 2021-03-19
ELI5 Royal Family - how does the British royal family make money? 2021-03-19
ELI5 Inflation - why do we need it and why the gold standard was abandoned? 2021-03-05
ELI5 Batteries - what causes lithium batteries to degrade? 2021-02-26
ELI5 Lightning - why does it zig zag and not go straight down? 2021-02-19
ELI5 Colorblindness - can special glasses really fix it? 2021-02-12
ELI5 Soccer - why is it not as popular in the US as in other countries? 2021-02-05
ELI5 Contrails - why do some airplanes leave streaks and others don't? 2021-01-29
ELI5 Air Fryers - just fancy convection ovens? 2021-01-22
ELI5 Exercise Induced Nausea - why we feel like vomiting after intense exercise? 2021-01-15
ELI5 Grapefruit - why no mixing with medications? 2021-01-08
ELI5 Calories - why raising heart rate with exercise is good but bad through stress, caffeine etc? 2021-01-01
ELI5 Blood - how does circulation work after an amputation? 2020-12-25
ELI5 Earthquakes - how do they design buildings to withstand them? 2020-12-18
ELI5 Hot Dogs - part of McDonald's founding story? 2020-12-11
ELI5 Ball Point Pens - why do the caps have holes? 2020-12-04
ELI5 Dry Ice - why it should not go in the swimming pool? 2020-11-27

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