Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.


Title Date published
ELI5 Right and Left Hand Traffic - which is more popular? 2022-06-10
ELI5 Cotton - why cotton shirts feel stiffer when hung to dry? 2022-06-03
ELI5 Smallpox - is it related to monkeypox? 2022-05-27
ELI5 Stable Coins - how do they work? 2022-05-20
ELI5 Special Agents - what makes them special vs just ‘agents’? 2022-05-12
ELI5 Hostile Takeovers - explain Twitter's poison pill like I'm 5? 2022-05-06
ELI5 Gaslighting - what exactly does it mean? 2022-04-29
ELI5 Nuclear Disasters - why Hiroshima isn’t a dead city like Chernobyl 2022-04-22
ELI5 Easter - why the bunny and chocolate eggs? 2022-04-15
ELI5 Legos - how do lego bricks not lose tension after years of repetitive play? 2022-04-08
ELI5 Basketball - why is there a backboard? 2022-04-01
ELI5 Hurricanes - why female names? 2022-03-25
ELI5 Daylight Savings Time - who thought it was a good idea? 2022-03-18
ELI5 The Suit - how did it become universal as business attire for men? 2022-03-11
ELI5 Twins - why do identical twins have different fingerprints? 2022-03-04
ELI5 Interest Rates - why do interest rates exist in the first place? 2022-02-25
ELI5 Doping - why isn’t caffeine on the banned list? 2022-02-18
ELI5 Sanctions - how exactly do they help? 2022-02-11
ELI5 The Bladder - how long does liquid take to reach it? 2022-02-04
ELI5 Honey - why it’s dangerous for toddlers, and how bees make it? 2022-01-28

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