Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.


Title Date published
ELI5 Smell and Taste - how does our sense of smell work? 2022-10-28
ELI5 Trucks - why do European trucks look different to US trucks? 2022-10-21
ELI5 Ants - how do they cling to surfaces so well? 2022-10-14
ELI5 Einstein - why is e = mc squared such a big deal? 2022-10-07
ELI5 CPR - what is Michael Jackson’s association to CPR? 2022-09-30
ELI5 Pee - is urinating in the pool ok? 2022-09-23
ELI5 Jupiter - can you land on a gas planet? 2022-09-16
ELI5 Decaf - how did a train accident lead to its discovery? 2022-09-09
ELI5 Dyslexia - does it exist in all languages? 2022-09-02
ELI5 Donuts - why the association with the police? 2022-08-26
ELI5 Ampersand - the 27th member of the alphabet? 2022-08-19
ELI5 Wrinkled Fingers - why water makes our fingers wrinkle? 2022-08-12
ELI5 Escalators - what is the shoe shine thingy there for? 2022-08-05
ELI5 Occam's Razor - please explain what it really means! 2022-07-29
ELI5 Bear Markets - where it gets its name? 2022-07-22
ELI5 Nitrogen - if it’s 80% of our atmosphere, why don’t we talk about it much? 2022-07-15
ELI5 Golf - why are white balls the standard? 2022-07-08
ELI5 Milk and Eggs - why cows and chickens became the standards for milk and eggs? 2022-07-01
ELI5 Natural Gas - why doesn’t the flame from a gas stove ignite the supply line? 2022-06-24
ELI5 Soda - why it tastes different out of a can vs a glass bottle? 2022-06-17

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