Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.


Title Date published
ELI5 Balloons - why is there a ring at the opening of a balloon? 2023-03-17
ELI5 Toothpaste - how did people brush before toothpaste? 2023-03-10
ELI5 Pirates - why fly the skull and bones flag? 2023-03-03
ELI5 The Metric System - why is lbs the abbreviation for pounds? 2023-02-24
ELI5 Ketchup - which country did the word ketchup originate from? 2023-02-17
ELI5 Tomatoes - fruit or vegetable? 2023-02-10
ELI5 The Streisand Effect - what makes it so universal? 2023-02-03
ELI5 Alzheimer’s - the difference between Alzhiemer’s and Dementia? 2023-01-27
ELI5 Postage Stamps - does the sending or receiving country get money from my stamp? 2023-01-20
ELI5 Food Pyramid - why all the criticism? 2023-01-13
ELI5 Heart Rate Monitors - what types are most accurate? 2023-01-06
ELI5 Bank Runs - why does a run on the bank happen? 2022-12-30
ELI5 Xmas - how and why NORAD tracks Santa (part 2)? 2022-12-23
ELI5 Xmas - why some say Happy Christmas vs Merry Christmas (part 1)? 2022-12-16
ELI5 Credit vs Debit Cards - what’s the difference? 2022-12-09
ELI5 Turbulence - how do pilots know it’s coming? 2022-12-02
ELI5 Coca Cola - where does the name come from? 2022-11-25
ELI5 Phobia - what's the difference between a phobia and a fear? 2022-11-18
ELI5 Ponzi Schemes - how do they work? 2022-11-11
ELI5 Reboot - why turning a device off and on fixes a host of tech issues? 2022-11-04

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