Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.


Title Date published
ELI5 Upper & Lower Case Characters - Why are some letters the same in uppercase and lowercase, and some look completely different? 2019-04-26
ELI5 Screaming in Pain - Why do we scream to relieve physical pain? 2019-04-19
ELI5 International Space Station - How does the ISS never run out of oxygen? 2019-04-12
ELI5 Allergies - What causes us to get allergic reactions? Are there more allergy incidences today than 20yrs ago? 2019-04-05
ELI5 Cancer - How do medical professionals break down the various stages? How does “normal” cancer differ from terminal cancer? 2019-03-29
ELI5 Alcohol - How does alcohol make you drunk? 2019-03-21
ELI5 Capcha - Why can't bots check 'I am not a robot' checkboxes? 2019-03-15
ELI5 Spicy Food - What causes my body to react when I eat spicy food? 2019-03-07
ELI5 Super Glue - How does super glue work and how is it different from a regular glue stick? 2019-03-01
ELI5 Emergency Calls Only - If there is no cellphone signal, how does "emergency calls only" mode work? 2019-02-21
ELI5 Caffeine - It has almost no calories, so where does the energy come from? 2019-02-11
ELI5 Trailer - welcome to explain like I'm five 2019-01-01

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