Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.


Title Date published
ELI5 Credit Scores - why do FICO scores end at 850? 2020-02-07
ELI5 Face Masks - surgical masks, N95 masks what's the difference? 2020-01-31
ELI5 Pensions - where did the modern pension come from? 2020-01-24
ELI5 Gluten - why have folks suddenly become allergic to gluten this past decade? 2020-01-17
ELI5 Activity Trackers - how do they detect deep sleep? 2020-01-10
ELI5 Passwords - are password managers safe? 2020-01-03
ELI5 National Debt - who do countries owe when they are in debt? 2019-12-20
ELI5 Zero - why its discovery by ancient civilizations was so ground breaking for mathematics 2019-12-13
ELI5 Dopamine - is it a feel good drug? (hint, it's not) 2019-12-06
ELI5 Noise Canceling - why are noise cancelling headphones more effective with low pitch sounds but not with high pitched frequencies? 2019-11-29
ELI5 Xmas - Special Guest Episode with Christmas Past host Brian Earl 2019-11-22
ELI5 Photography - ISO, shutter speed, aperture explained 2019-11-15
ELI5 Standing Still - why is the world record for time walking longer than time standing? 2019-11-08
ELI5 Left Handed - why aren't 50% of people lefties? 2019-11-01
ELI5 Recycling - wrong thing in the recycle bin, what happens next? 2019-10-24
ELI5 Truffles - What makes them special and so expensive? 2019-10-18
ELI5 Marathons - What happens to the body over 26.2 miles? 2019-10-10
ELI5 Tea - Why you should never put a tea bag in the microwave! 2019-10-04
ELI5 Scars - How does the body repair a wound? 2019-09-27
ELI5 Bicycles - Why are women's bike frames different to men's? 2019-09-19

Comments about ELI5 Explain Like I'm 5: Bite sized answers to stuff you should know about - in a mini podcast

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