Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.


Title Date published
ELI5 Mosquitos - why some people get bitten more than others? 2020-07-03
ELI5 Deja Vu - ever remember you forgot something but can't remember what? 2020-06-26
ELI5 Surnames - why Green, Brown and Black are popular surnames but Blue, Orange and Red are not? 2020-06-19
ELI5 Antibodies - can you get Covid-19 antibodies from a blood transfusion? 2020-06-12
ELI5 Vaccines - why is a Covid-19 vaccine is taking so long to make? 2020-06-05
ELI5 Chocolate - milk, dark & white, what's the difference? 2020-05-29
ELI5 Yawning - why is hearing reduced when you yawn? 2020-05-22
ELI5 Blood Oxygen - why are pulse oximeters suddenly so popular? 2020-05-15
ELI5 Birthmarks - what causes our skin to have them? 2020-05-08
ELI5 Left & Right Wings in Politics - why the Elephant and Donkey as mascots? 2020-05-01
ELI5 Rainbows - how are rainbows formed, and why is the color brown missing? 2020-04-23
ELI5 Virus vs Bacteria - why getting sick from viruses is different to bacterial diseases 2020-04-17
ELI5 Wi-Fi - how does wifi hacking work? 2020-04-10
ELI5 Spanish Flu - as a global pandemic, why was it nicknamed Spanish Flu? 2020-03-27
ELI5 Everest - how did they measure it (and other mountains) originally? 2020-03-20
ELI5 Gray Hair - why does stress cause grey hair? 2020-03-13
ELI5 Sneezing - why our eyes water when a sneeze gets 'stuck' 2020-03-06
ELI5 Disinfectant Alcohol - why is 70% alcohol better than 90% as disinfectant? 2020-02-28
ELI5 Credit Card Security - is a chip really safer than a magstripe? 2020-02-21
ELI5 Ski Jumping - how do they not get injured when landing? 2020-02-14

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