Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.


Title Date published
ELI5 Winter Solstice - why it marks the start of winter, not the middle of it? 2023-12-22
ELI5 Primary Colors - are they red green blue or red yellow blue? 2023-12-15
ELI5 Bed Bugs - why they came back after nearly being eradicated? 2023-12-08
ELI5 Where’s Waldo - why Waldo is an important character in cryptography? 2023-12-01
ELI5 Thanksgiving - why is it called Black Friday? 2023-11-24
ELI5 Powerlines - why aren’t more power lines underground in the US? 2023-11-17
ELI5 Crabs - why do crabs turn bright orange when cooked? 2023-11-10
ELI5 Planes - why the need for a ground cart to push them back? 2023-11-03
ELI5 GDP and the Equator - why are countries richer away from the equator? 2023-10-27
ELI5 Altitude and Heat - why is it colder at higher elevations? 2023-10-20
ELI5 Screws - why do we have two different types? 2023-10-13
ELI5 Lasers - why don’t you see many white laser pointers? 2023-10-06
ELI5 Voice Agents - How does “hey siri” respond if it isn’t constantly listening to my conversations? 2023-09-29
ELI5 Currencies - what does it mean to float a country’s currency? 2023-09-22
ELI5 Money - why its origins were not about bartering? 2023-09-15
ELI5 Saunas - how do near boiling temperatures not burn you? 2023-09-08
ELI5 Ice Baths & Warm Showers - what are the benefits? 2023-09-01
ELI5 DNA - what is the double helix? 2023-08-25
ELI5 Saturn - does it really rain diamonds? 2023-08-18
ELI5 Hibernation - is there a way humans could hibernate like bears do? 2023-08-10

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