This is the weekly show where we discuss the DC Extended Universe, including The Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman, Justice League, The Flash, Aquaman, and all of the other upcoming DC Movies! We also talk about the DC TV and Animated Universes and some DC Comics and Video Game news as well! DCEU, DCCU, DCTV, DCAU, DCU, Video Games, and Comics!


Title Date published
299: Feels Like Justice 2021-03-15
298: I Will Come for My Great Prize 2021-03-08
297: Useless and Pointless... Everyone Knew it 2021-03-01
296: That's Why I Brought You Together 2021-02-22
295: A Society Where Honor is a Distant Memory 2021-02-14
294: Worlds Collide 2021-02-09
293: 03.18.21 2021-02-01
292: Diablo Ain't Dead 2021-01-25
291: The Commentary Track for Joss Whedon's Justice League (NSFW) 2021-01-18
290: Across the Battlefields of the World 2021-01-11
289: Lots Up Our Sleeves 2021-01-03
288: The Review of "Wonder Woman 1984" 2020-12-27
287: Vulnerabilities and Heart and Imperfections 2020-12-22
286: A Degree of Noise 2020-12-15
285: Pulling the Trigger 2020-12-07
Squadcast Movies 006: Chicago (2002) 2020-12-01
284: Belief in the Theatrical Experience 2020-11-23
283: What Is Going On Here? 2020-11-18
282: The Cut (An Interview with Justin M. Lesniewski) 2020-11-09
281: So Here We Are 2020-11-02

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