This is the weekly show where we discuss the DC Extended Universe, including The Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman, Justice League, The Flash, Aquaman, and all of the other upcoming DC Movies! We also talk about the DC TV and Animated Universes and some DC Comics and Video Game news as well! DCEU, DCCU, DCTV, DCAU, DCU, Video Games, and Comics!


Title Date published
088: Matt Reeves for The Planet of the Capes 2017-02-12
087: Sometimes It's Good to Play in the Minor Leagues 2017-02-05
086: Ben Affleck Steps Down as Director of The Batman 2017-01-31
085: They've Never Faced Us Before 2017-01-29
084: David Ayer's Time Machine 2017-01-23
083: The End of the DCEU 2017-01-22
082: Just Say The Word 2017-01-14
081: Underscoring The Solo Batman Film 2017-01-08
080: The Fury of a Thousand Suns 2016-12-31
079: That Kind of Unapologetic Badassery 2016-12-25
078: The Gotham City Sirens Are Nigh! 2016-12-18
077: The Dusk or Dawn of Zack Snyder 2016-12-12
076: Invasion! of the Naked Jai Courtney 2016-12-04
075: I Don't Want Your Crazy 2016-11-27
DCTV 012: Well we were afraid you'd kill us if we didn't... Too soon? 2016-11-21
DC Comics Squadcast 004: Spotlight on The Flash and Justice League! 2016-11-21
074: Too Busy Laughing About All The Money We Made 2016-11-12
073: You Are In More Danger Than You Think! 2016-11-07
DC Comics Squadcast 002: Spotlight on Batman! 2016-10-31
072: The Fall of the Jeremy Irons Man Crush 2016-10-30

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