<p>Tim Harford and the More or Less team try to make sense of the statistics which surround us. From BBC Radio 4</p>


Title Date published
Social housing, NHS workforce and Liz Truss debt claims 2023-09-20
How to approach the world through numbers 2023-09-16
Skin cancer, London rents and your great great great granddaughter 2023-09-13
Did 35,000 Americans die building the Panama Canal? 2023-09-11
Covid deaths, North Sea gas and Chloe Kelly's World Cup penalty 2023-09-06
What percentage of our brain do we actually use? 2023-09-02
HS2 and electric cars, UK vs China emissions & massive maths errors 2023-08-30
How safe is the release of Fukushima nuclear plant water? 2023-08-26
How many butterflies are there in the world? 2023-08-19
Why is it so hard to predict the outcome of competitions like the Premier League? 2023-08-12
Are the media exaggerating how hot it is in the Mediterranean? 2023-08-05
Data, extreme weather and climate change 2023-07-29
Ukraine war: A new way of calculating Russian deaths 2023-07-22
Are more adult nappies sold in Japan than baby ones? 2023-07-15
Does it take 10,000 litres of water to make a pair of jeans? 2023-07-08
Immigration: A More or Less Special Programme 2023-07-05
Will there be just 6 grandchildren for every 100 South Koreans? 2023-07-01
Halving inflation, Scottish tidal power and have 1 in 3 women had an abortion? 2023-06-28
US National Debt: is $32 trillion a big number? 2023-06-24
Mortgages, birth rates and does space contribute 18% to UK GDP? 2023-06-21

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