<p>Tim Harford and the More or Less team try to make sense of the statistics which surround us. From BBC Radio 4</p>


Title Date published
Is loneliness as bad for you as smoking? 2024-04-06
Remembering Daniel Kahneman 2024-03-30
Bonus episode: Daniel Kahneman on Thinking, Fast and Slow 2024-03-28
What's happening to Arctic ice? 2024-03-25
Does the Russian government really spend 40% of its budget on the military? 2024-03-16
Is public speaking really our biggest fear? 2024-03-09
Ultramarathons: Are women faster than men? 2024-03-02
School spending, excess deaths and billions of animals at Heathrow 2024-02-28
NBA basketball: Is height more important than skill? 2024-02-24
Per capita GDP, MP claims and the entire EU budget 2024-02-21
The digital ‘robots’ unlocking medical data 2024-02-17
Debt, students, shark and chips 2024-02-14
The global gender split in young people’s politics 2024-02-10
Council tax weirdness: Hartlepool vs Westminster 2024-02-07
A pocket-size history of the calculator 2024-02-03
Measles, Traitors and the cost of Brexit 2024-01-31
Is Oxfam right about the world’s richest and poorest people? 2024-01-27
Shopping, shipping and wind chill-ing 2024-01-24
Are there more possible games of chess than atoms in the universe? 2024-01-20
Life expectancy, inheritance tax and the NHS vs winter 2024-01-17

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