Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.


Title Date published
#111 - AMA #14: What lab tests can (and cannot) inform us about our overall objective of longevity 2020-05-18
#110 - Lew Cantley, Ph.D.: Cancer metabolism, cancer therapies, and the discovery of PI3K 2020-05-11
#109 - John Dudley: The beauty in archery, the love of practice, and a model system for life 2020-05-04
#108 - AMA #13: 3-day fasting, exogenous ketones, autophagy, and exercise for longevity 2020-04-21
#107 - John Barry: 1918 Spanish flu pandemic—historical account, parallels to today, and lessons 2020-04-17
#106 - Amesh Adalja, M.D.: Comparing COVID-19 to past pandemics, preparing for the future, and reasons for optimism 2020-04-13
#105 - Paul Conti, M.D.: The psychological toll of a pandemic, and the societal problems it has highlighted 2020-04-10
#104 - COVID-19 for kids with Olivia Attia 2020-04-08
#103 - Looking back on the first 99 episodes: Strong Convictions, Loosely Held 2020-04-06
#102 - Michael Osterholm, Ph.D.: COVID-19—Lessons learned, challenges ahead, and reasons for optimism and concern 2020-03-31
#101 - Ryan Holiday: Finding stillness amidst chaos 2020-03-27
#100 - Sam Harris, Ph.D.: COVID-19—Comprehending the crisis and managing our emotions 2020-03-24
#99 - Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D.: Continuing the conversation on COVID-19 2020-03-20
Qualy #129 - Evolutionary reasons to sleep 2020-03-17
#97 - Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D.: COVID-19: transmissibility, vaccines, risk reduction, and treatment 2020-03-14
Qualy #125 - Hierarchies in healthcare, physician burnout, and a broken system 2020-03-10
#96 - David Epstein: How a range of experience leads to better performance in a highly specialized world 2020-03-09
Qualy #121 - The “art” of longevity: the challenge of preventative medicine and understanding risk 2020-03-03
#95 - Luke Bennett, M.D.: The emotional, cognitive, and physical demands that make Formula 1 a unique and special sport 2020-03-02
Qualy #120 - What is the difference between ketone salts and esters? 2020-02-28

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