Based on the graphic novel by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross, Marvels takes place in the aftermath of the Fantastic Four’s battle with Galactus, high above New York City for the fate of the world. One intrepid photographer, an ambitious college student, and a cynical journalist embark on an investigation to confirm or debunk one of the most super-powered conspiracy theories of all time.


Title Date published
Marvel’s Wastelanders: Hawkeye Sneak Peek! 2021-10-06
Eyes Open 2020-05-21
The Herald 2020-05-14
Limits 2020-05-07
I Feel Fine 2020-04-30
Interference 2020-04-23
Warheads 2020-04-16
Monsters 2020-04-09
Truth & Consequences 2020-04-02
Retribution 2020-03-26
Galactus Cometh 2020-03-19
COMING MARCH 19TH 2020-02-25

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