This is the Drunken Peasants podcast. Bringing you the latest in news, entertainment, politics from an altered perspective.


Title Date published
Reacting to the 2nd REPUBLICAN DEBATE | 1248 2023-09-29
The Quartering's WHITE NATIONALIST Sponsor - Sturgis vs Jeff Holiday - KingCobraJFS on CWC | 1247 2023-09-27
Howard Stern ATTACKED For Being "WOKE"? - Jeff Holiday Makes KingCobraJFS Wine! - FASTEST RAP | 1246 2023-09-24
Blackpilled Joker's INSANE Videos - Chris Chan's Girlfriend? - Trump's LATEST Interview | 1245 2023-09-22
Mike From The Humanist Report Joins Us - Cop LAUGHS About Dead Woman - Band Director TASERED | 1244 2023-09-20
Megyn Kelly's Trump Interview - Marshall Mathers the 4th RETURNS - Big Kahuna Title Match | 1243 2023-09-17
Tony From Hack The Movies Joins Us - The Latest On The Cobraverse - Obama's Gay Limo Ride | 1242 2023-09-15
Biden's Sept 11th CONTRADICTION - The GOP's IMPEACHMENT CRUSADE - Cobra on BODY POSITIVITY | 1241 2023-09-13
YourFavoriteSon RETURNS - KingCobraJFS UPDATES - Vaush ATTACKED by Manatee | 1240 2023-09-10
Matt Jarbo RETURNS - Exposing him to STURGIS & KENDALL - AND MORE! | 1239 2023-09-08
PRONOUNS in Starfield? - KingCobraJFS: MASTER Vintner - Jared Sees a GHOST | 1238 2023-09-07
ZAPPING Scoot! - Jared DOXXES Counter-Claimants - KingCobraJFS PUKES - BRUTAL Shoot Match | 1237 2023-09-04
Maddox ATTACKS Just Whang & Asterios - Ben BLOCKED by Maddox - RIP Puma Fist | 1236 2023-09-01
Jared Files FALSE DMCAs - Manatee on Public Schools - Checking in with Sturgis & Kendall | 1235 2023-08-30
EPISODE 1234 2023-08-27
Eric July SUED Over ISOM Trademark - Trump's MUGSHOT? - Kendall GOES HARD on Ben & Billy | 1233 2023-08-25
The BITTER FEUD Between Logan Paul & Dillon Danis - T-Bob Calls Billy a SCAMMER | 1232 2023-08-23
Details On Trump's 4TH INDICTMENT - King Cobra & His ALL-STAR SICKO BAND - Kendall RANTS | 1231 2023-08-19
Sturgis SHOWS MOOBS - Luke Korolowicz Goes to WAR with DP - Crazy Plane Lady's APOLOGY | 1230 2023-08-17
Isom Fanboys Making Us CRINGE - Derek Savage's Award Show RETURNS! | 1229 2023-08-15

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