Join us for thought provoking conversations on surveillance, digital privacy, and cybersecurity law and policy in the information age. Each week, hosts Dave Bittner and Ben Yelin break down the headlines, legal cases, and policy battles that matter most. 


Title Date published
Security in elections. 2022-11-10
Privacy Compliance and Culture. 2022-11-03
How is misinformation impacting people online? 2022-10-27
The push back on cyber reporting regulations. 2022-10-20
Do copyright laws threaten the open market? 2022-10-13
Should Safe Harbor laws be enacted country-wide? 2022-10-06
Breaking down the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. 2022-09-29
How will cybersecurity insurance change in the coming years? 2022-09-22
Prioritizing data, security, and observability. 2022-09-15
Edward Snowden and whistleblower ethics. 2022-09-08
Twitter's data privacy battle. 2022-09-01
Encore: Let's talk about Facebook's research. 2022-08-25
The U.S. and China's cyber relationship. 2022-08-18
Is privacy included? 2022-08-11
What would a federal privacy act mean for brands? 2022-08-04
Ethically gaining and maintaining users. 2022-07-28
The Supreme Court's supreme security breach. 2022-07-21
Could new privacy police alter views on cybersecurity? 2022-07-14
Is the American Innovation and Online Choice Act beneficial? 2022-07-07
The future of cyber legislation. 2022-06-30

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