Overcoming Distractions is a book written by David A Greenwood on thriving with Adult ADHD. The Podcast is a show dedicated to telling the stories of those who have thrived with ADHD. From small business owners, inventors, entrepreneurs and many more, you will hear how they have used ADHD in their favor and tools to make ADHD work for you. There is no complaining here, just street smart advice on how to crush ADHD. Even if you don’t have ADHD, you’ll hear how these entrepreneurs and coaches define success and get action items that you can implement in your life.


Title Date published
How to manage the fear of goal setting with adult ADHD 2024-05-04
Practicing kindness to ourselves as an adult with ADHD 2024-04-27
The difference between assertive and aggressive when it comes to adult ADHD 2024-04-17
Adult ADHD and Clarity- A Quick Playbook 2024-04-13
A few common and irritating myths about adult ADHD we need to talk about 2024-04-10
Exploring and understanding different support systems for adults with ADHD 2024-04-06
Compensating for our executive functions as Adults with ADHD 2024-04-03
How occupational therapy helps adults thrive with ADHD 2024-03-30
How a weighted pillow can help calm adults with ADHD 2024-03-23
Learning more about living with inattentive ADHD 2024-03-09
Adult ADHD and Executive Functions 101 2024-02-24
Unlocking your career path as an adult with ADHD 2024-02-17
Confidence 101 for Adults with ADHD 2024-02-10
There's a big difference between stress and burnout with ADHD 2024-02-07
Managing Distractions with Willpower as an Adult with ADHD 2024-02-03
Name Those ADHD Distractions Part 2 2024-01-27
Adults with ADHD-Name Your Distractions! 2024-01-24
Do NOT “schedule” procrastination when you have ADHD 2024-01-13
My two favorite words-clarity and control with Adult ADHD 2024-01-06
Still Distracted After All These Years-A Conversation with Kathleen Nadeau, PhD. 2023-12-16

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