This is a podcast that's nominally about bad games. In reality, it's about the horror of daily life, GameFAQs Gold, strange combatants in the battle of Good vs. Evil, and a singular patriarch known only as Crick. Every Monday, Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross choose a game at random from the titles submitted by listeners, play it, and venture off on a freeform discussion that winds between the topic at hand, and the absurd.


Title Date published
555: The Tick 2024-04-29
554: Sin Episodes: Emergence 2024-04-23
553: Wo Yao Da 2024-04-15
552: Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 2024-04-08
551: The Flintstones: Burgertime in Bedrock 2024-04-01
550: Don't Pee 2024-03-25
549: House M.D. 2024-03-18
548: The Ripper 2024-03-11
547: Dinosaurs for Hire 2024-03-04
546: EOE: Eve of Extinction 2024-02-26
545: Bad Kids at School 2024-02-19
544: Viscera Cleanup Detail 2024-02-12
543: Batman Returns 2024-02-05
542: Bakugan Battle Brawlers 2024-01-29
541: Tender Loving Care 2024-01-23
540: X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2024-01-15
539: Betty Boop's Double Shift 2024-01-08
538: Time Commando 2024-01-02
537: Mr. Pibb the 3D Interactive Game 2023-12-25
536: Hard Edge 2023-12-18

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