A podcast about the world of Cybersecurity, Privacy, Compliance, and Regulatory issues that arise in today's workplace. Co-hosts Bryan Brake, Brian Boettcher, and Amanda Berlin teach concepts that aspiring Information Security professionals need to know, or refresh the memories of seasoned veterans.


Title Date published
Josh-Whalen-risk-management-data_visualization-tools, value-creating activities -p2 2022-12-20
John Whalen, data visualization tools, risk management, handling org risk-p1 2022-12-11
Interview with Infrared - one of the Seattle Community Network organizers 2022-11-22
JAMBOREE - an Android App testing platform from @operat0r -part2 2022-11-07
JAMBOREE - an Android App testing platform from @operat0r 2022-10-30
07-oct-news-twitch streaming 2022-10-12
Uber Breach, MFA fatigue, who can help communicate biz risk? 2022-09-19
Manual Code reviews/analysis, post-infosec Campout discussion 2022-09-02
Amanda's Sysmon Talk -p2 2022-08-15
Amanda's Sysmon Talk -p1 2022-08-07
Tanya Janca, Securing APIs, finding Security Champions, and accepting Risk 2022-07-30
Tanya Janca on secure coding practices, Swagger docs, and why documentation matters 2022-07-24
PYPI enables 2FA, some devs have a problem with this 2022-07-14
JW Goerlich on Training, phishing exercises, security metrics,getting the most from user training 2022-07-05
RSA conference, Zero Trust, SSO, 2FA, and multi-cloud tenancy with J Goerlich 2022-06-25
jon-dimaggio-part2-threat intel-hacking back-analyzing malware 2022-06-16
Jon DiMaggio_Art-of-cyberwarfare_hacking_back-insider-threat-messaging_P1 2022-06-09
news, infosystir's talk at RSA, conti has an 'image' problem 2022-05-24
Mieng Lim, Ransomware actions, using insurance to offset risk, good IR/PR comms 2022-05-15
Mieng-Lim-Ransomware-Best-Practices-p1 2022-05-11

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