A podcast about the world of Cybersecurity, Privacy, Compliance, and Regulatory issues that arise in today's workplace. Co-hosts Bryan Brake, Brian Boettcher, and Amanda Berlin teach concepts that aspiring Information Security professionals need to know, or refresh the memories of seasoned veterans.


Title Date published
Josh Grossman - building Appsec programs, bridging security and developer gaps 2024-04-15
Managing messaging with management, becoming a CISO with Mary Gardner from Goldiknox 2024-04-09
p2-accidentalCISO, building trust in new places 2024-02-13
AccidentalCISO on BrakeSecEd, talking Leadership, SaaS development, and Appsec 2024-02-02
1st show of 2024! Our 10th Anniversary... 2024-01-09
Brakesec Call to Action 2023 2023-12-18
How to get more headcount, BLUFFs Vulnerability, and Ranty Clause debuts! 2023-12-04
25Oct - okta breached (again), Energy company hit by supply chain attack, and you can help hire the best people 2023-10-26
Nicole Sundin - CPO at Axio - SEC compliance, usable security, setting up risk mgmt programs 2023-09-23
John Aron, letters of marque, what does a "junior" job look like with AI? 2023-09-03
Megan Roddie - co-author of "Practical Threat Detecion Engineering" 2023-08-25
meeting new people, walking on your keyboard causes issues, even google gets phone numbers wrong. 2023-07-21
Bsides Seattle and Austin, SecureBoot patch, and more 2023-05-27
lynsey wolf, conducting insider threat investigations, CASB and UEBA utlization to good use. 2023-04-30
3CX supply chain attack, Mark Russinovich and Sysinternals, CISA ransomware notifications, and emotional intelligence 2023-04-08
Dish Network is still busted, John Deere avoiding OSS requests, Is DAST dead? 2023-03-24
Nickolas Means talks about Security, Devops velocity, blameless orgs, and conferences infosec should attend 2023-03-04
SPECIAL INTERVIEW: John Aron and Jerod Brennen 2023-02-10
Layoff discussions, another TMO breach, OneNote Malware, and more! 2023-01-24
GPS car hacks, Google Threat report, notable topics of 2020, satellite threat modelling, twitter breach(?) 2023-01-10

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