Many messages from the Sunday meetings of Wellspring Mennonite Church are posted on this podcast. We seek to live together as the people of God in accordance with the scriptures. We follow Jesus as our Lord, teacher, and example, and rejoice in redemption through his death and resurrection. We worship the Father, delighting in his care and seeking to do his will. We seek the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. The brothers of our small congregation share the responsibility of speaking, so you'll hear many different voices here. Learn more about us at


Title Date published
Our Hearts in Relation to God 2023-10-26
Dean Yoder - 10/22/2023 2023-10-22
Do this in remembrance of Me... 2023-10-15
Deceit 2023-10-08
Where is your Focus? 2023-10-01
The Dude Christian 2023-09-17
THESE are the WORDS of GOD 2023-09-10
Love One Another 2023-09-03
The Value of God's Word 2023-08-27
Empty Clouds, or Earnest Contenders 2023-08-13
A prayer of David 2023-08-06
The Coming of Christ 2023-07-30
Who Lives with God? 2023-07-23
The Righteous King 2023-07-16
Death, Then What 2023-07-09
A Steadfast Anchor for the Soul 2023-07-02
Apostasy 2023-06-25
A Good Name 2023-06-18
Living Ransomed 2023-06-11
Paul's Message to the church of Thyatira 2023-06-04

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