Bennett and Cas discuss historical moments in the cryptocurrency and finance industries, focusing on frauds, hacks, exit scams, and other malfeasance.


Title Date published
A Tether Update 2022-07-25
The Dogecoin Joke (Feat. Jackson Palmer) 2022-07-20
Celsius Network: a Pyramid of Ponzis 2022-07-14
Cryptocurrency Criticism in a Bear Market (Feat. Molly White) 2022-07-08
Contagions and Cascading Liquidations in Cryptocurrency 2022-07-01
NFTs, Frauds, and Algorithmic Stablecoins (Feat. Mark Cuban) 2022-06-23
Bitcoin ETFs, the SEC, and Regulatory Clarity (Feat. James Seyffart) 2022-06-19
New NFT Usecase Discovered, and it's Insider Trading 2022-06-17
Celsius Collapsing: Causes, Concerns, and Catastrophe (Feat. Mike Burgersburg) 2022-06-14
Pre-Philanthropic Billionaires and Bitcoin (Feat. Mario Gibney) 2022-06-09
Disclosures, Conflicts of Interest, and Diplomacy 2022-06-06
El Salvador Revisited: Chivo, KYC/AML, and Nayib Bukele (Feat. Domingo Flores) 2022-06-01
Cryptocurrency, Coinbase, and Contagion (Feat. Jim Chanos) 2022-05-29
Finding Finex 2022-05-22
DeFi and Cryptocurrency Risks and Rewards (Feat. Lily Francus) 2022-05-18
We Never Wanted to Discuss Terra and Luna ever Again... and yet 2022-05-13
Terra, Luna, and Algorithmic Stablecoins 2022-05-04
The Rise and Fall of Reggie Fowler 2022-04-30
An Unscripted Chat with the Richest Man in the World* (Feat. Colin Platt) 2022-04-21
Evading North Korean Sanctions 101 2022-04-15

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