It is a time of peace and tranquility. In the year 2309, Humanity has progressed past the Solar System, and has created several colonies across a new route of travel in the galaxy, known as the Colonial Spine. However, the unsuspecting people of Earth and her colonies will be shaken to their core by a malevolent criminal empire, hellbent on destroying humanity and building it anew...


Title Date published
Season One Interlude - Turning of the Tides 2021-05-08
S1:E7 - Invasion 2021-01-27
S1:E6 - A Plan, Discovered 2021-01-27
S1:E5 - Revelations 2021-01-27
S1:E4 - Another Happy Landing 2021-01-27
S1:E3 - Regrets 2021-01-27
S1:E2 - Arcane Circumstances 2021-01-27
S1:E1 - Beckoning 2021-01-26

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