Call in show about League of Legends Esports hosted by Travis Gafford and Cubbyxx, featuring guests from all across the LCS.


Title Date published
YOUR SPICIEST MSI 2024 TAKES! LEAKED THIRD INT'L TOURNAMENT?! feat. Nymaera | Hotline League 317 2024-05-01
LCS's BIGGEST WINS, Spring Split learnings, Summer changes feat. Commish MarkZ | Hotline League 316 2024-04-23
Why TIER 2 is the FUTURE of LCS! C9 changes feat. Steve Kangas and Kelsey Moser | Hotline League 315 2024-04-16
COREJJ on Team Liquid's AGGRESSIVE style! Is CRITICIZING your own team EVER OK? | Hotline League 314 2024-04-09
TL TAKES SPRING FINALS! C9 missing MSI, Impact the GOAT?! feat. Emily Rand | Hotline League 313 2024-04-04
FINALS, FINALLY! Does C9 NEED a rookie? Is 100T just LUCKY? feat. Bwipo | Hotline League 312 2024-03-26
Would ROSTER CHANGES make NRG WORSE? Is BERSERKER a C9 LIABILITY? feat. Zven | Hotline League 311 2024-03-19
SPICIEST PRE-PLAYOFFS TAKES! + TL roster drama feat. PapaSmithy and Andy | Hotline League 310 2024-03-12
WHY LCS should DROP SPLITS! BEST ADC in NA?! feat. Inero and Kelsey Moser | Hotline League 309 2024-03-05
Can LCS teams INNOVATE on LIVE PATCH? feat. 100T Goldenglue, Spookz + Joseph | Hotline League 308 2024-02-20
Revenge's FAREWELL to LCS and HONEST player perspectives feat. Raz | Hotline League 307 2024-02-13
Who's to BLAME on C9? Are Bo3s WORTH? feat. Spawn and Yeon | Hotline League 306 2024-02-06
Why the PROS show is AMAZING! Should LCS teams run TRYOUTS? feat. KangasCasts | Hotline League 305 2024-01-30
LCS SPRING during ESPORTS WINTER! LIVE PATCH, format, and more! feat. Palafox | Hotline League 304 2024-01-23
Can LCS HYPE surpass LEC hype levels?! HALL OF LEGENDS + more feat. MARKZ | Hotline League 303 2024-01-16
LCS 2024 CHANGES? Does JENSEN have something to PROVE?! feat. Svenskeren | Hotline League 302 2024-01-09
NRG's Rise, Changing Game Days, High-Power Players and More: 2023 in Review | Hotline League 301 2023-12-19
From CO-HOST to COMMISSIONER: MarkZ leads the LCS into 2024! What's next? | Hotline League 300 2023-12-13
The BIGGEST moves and HOTTEST takes of the off-season with Croissant and Cubby | NOT-line League 2023-12-05
TL STEVE'S TAKES on a SMALLER LEAGUE and LCS ACADEMY! Strongest team EVER? | Hotline League 299 2023-11-21

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