<p>Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds picks a subject from history and examine it.</p>


Title Date published
324 - Denis Kearney - (Live in SF) 2018-04-17
1908 New York to Paris Car Race (Live) 2018-04-10
322 - Hank Vaughn (Live in Portland) 2018-04-03
321 - Erik Prince and Blackwater 2018-03-27
320 - The Wobblies Go To Everett (Live) 2018-03-20
319 - The Missouri Mormon War (Live in KC) 2018-03-13
318 - Fighting Irish vs The Klan (Live in Indianapolis) 2018-03-06
317 - The Butter Crime (live in Seattle) 2018-02-27
316 - Jorgen jorgenson - (Live in Brisbane w/ Wil Anderson) 2018-02-20
315 - The Witch of Kings Cross - (Live in Gold Coast) 2018-02-13
314 - The Baron of Arizona (Live in Phoenix) 2018-02-06
313 - John Batman (Live in Melbourne with Wil Anderson) 2018-01-30
312 - Climax Jim 2018-01-26
311 - Total Badass Larcena Pennington 2018-01-23
310 - Levittown: The Whitest Suburb 2018-01-16
309 - Big John and Harvey's Casino 2018-01-09
308 - The Victoria Gold Rush (Live in Melbourne) 2018-01-02
307 - Naked Joseph Knowles 2017-12-19
306 - Gay Life in the Tasmanian Colony (live in Sydney) 2017-12-12
305 - The Devil's Wire 2017-12-05

Comments about The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

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