Jason Weiser and Carissa Weiser tell stories from myths, legends, and folklore that have shaped cultures throughout history. Some, like the stories of Aladdin, King Arthur, and Hercules are stories you think you know, but with surprising origins. Others are stories you might not have heard, but really should. All the stories are sourced from world folklore, but retold for modern ears. These are stories of wizards, knights, Vikings, dragons, princesses, and kings from the time when the world beyond the map was a dangerous and wonderful place.


Title Date published
5A-Slavic Folklore: Tried and Died 2015-07-29
4-Mulan: A Likely Hero 2015-07-22
3E-Vikings: The Debt is Paid 2015-07-15
3D-Vikings: Blood of the Dragon 2015-07-01
3C-Vikings: Renewed shall be Blade that was Broken 2015-06-24
3B-Vikings: All that Hate’s Gonna Burn You Up 2015-06-18
3A-Vikings: The Norse and the Furious, Bredi’s Drift 2015-06-03
2B-Aladdin: A Whole New World of Problems 2015-05-27
2A-Aladdin: The Magician’s Nephew 2015-05-20
1C-Knights of the Round Table: The Lion Knight Rises 2015-05-13
1B-Knights of the Round Table: You’re So Yvain 2015-05-06
1A-Knights of the Round Table: Yvainglory 2015-04-30
Myths and Legends Trailer 2015-04-27

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