Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!


Title Date published
#1574 Creative vs Control: Hollywood strikes for livable wages and the future of human creativity 2023-07-26
#1573 Confronting Climate Chaos with Action and Adaptation 2023-07-22
#TBT #1311 Our Culture and Our Economy are Making Us Depressed (Throwback) 2023-07-19
#1572 Building a circular, sustainable economy for all 2023-07-16
Bonus Sample #274 The good news is that the end is nigh 2023-07-14
#1571 Understanding what we lost with the repeal of affirmative action 2023-07-12
#1570 The overpopulation debate is more philosophical than empirical 2023-07-09
#TBT #1155 Leisure, Desperation or a Reorientation (The Future of Work) (Throwback) 2023-07-07
#1569 Winning Progressive Policies with Better Messaging 2023-07-04
Bonus Sample #273 Marriage Proposals 2023-07-02
#1495 No One Supports the Economic Interests of Rural America (Repost) 2023-06-28
#1568 The Shifting Landscape of the Religion-Conservative-Political Complex 2023-06-25
#TBT #1247 The Fight for the Four Freedoms (FDR vs. Libertarianism) (Throwback) 2023-06-23
#1567 How to Sell an Immoral Economic System to the Masses 2023-06-21
Bonus Sample #272 Billionaires Selling the System 2023-06-19
#1482 The New Hotness in Scam Culture (Crypto Currency and NFTs)(Repost) 2023-06-18
#TBT #1333 An Examination of Fear, Anger, Forgiveness and Grace (Also, Mr. Rogers) (Throwback) 2023-06-15
#1566 Wrestling with Ethical Consumption Under Capitalism 2023-06-14
#1565 Co-Housing Builds Community and Fights Loneliness 2023-06-10
#TBT #1243 The story of Socialism in America (Throwback) 2023-06-09

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