Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!


Title Date published
#1582 Maui Fire Sale: Hawaiian Colonization, Disaster Capitalism, and the Climate Crisis Fueling Wildfires and Housing Insecurity in Native Hawaiian Communities on Maui and Beyond 2023-09-13
Bonus Sample: The human condition since the Christianization of Europe 2023-09-08
#1581 Indicted Authoritarianism Up For Debate: GOP presidential candidates debate the future of the party just in case Donald Trump is found guilty of any of his many crimes and somehow manages to lose the GOP primary or is barred from office. 2023-09-07
#1580 Bet Your Life: Sports betting is opening new and expensive ways to waste your time and destroy your mental health. The impacts of gambling are straining the legitimacy of sports and how they're reported by ESPN and beyond. 2023-09-03
#TBT ​#1152 Rise of the Oligarchs Like the Ones Taking Clarence Thomas on Trips: From the Libertarians of the Chicago School and the Push for Market Fundamentalism to the Megadonors Pulling the Strings of Politicians Today (Money in Politics) (Throwback 2023-08-31
#1506 Native Landback for a Healthier Society and Environment (Repost) 2023-08-30
#1504 Neurodiversity is Strength: Autism, ADHD and Beyond (Repost) 2023-08-27
#TBT #1209 How to Debate Your Values: Being part of the solution in an age of hyper-polarization as we enter a new election cycle (Throwback) 2023-08-25
#1579 Positive masculinity is a process. Many boys hear more about what they shouldn't say, how they shouldn't act, but without a strong alternative example which opens the door for the purveyors of toxic masculinity like Andrew Tate to fill the gap. 2023-08-24
#1578 A.I. is a big tech airplane with a 10% chance of crashing, should society fly it? ChatGPT was only the starter pistol but it has shown the sloppiness of these companies and the need for regulate artificial intelligence for the public good. 2023-08-20
#TBT #1323 Maui Fire and Power to the People: The Future of Public Ownership and Local Control (Throwback) 2023-08-18
Bonus Sample #276 There Are No Mild-Mannered People on the Internet 2023-08-16
#1577 Trump's historic third indictment containing three counts of conspiracy and one of obstruction regarding the 2020 election and Jan 6th, 2021 2023-08-12
#TBT #1054 What Drives Trump Conservatives - "Strangers in Their Own Land" (Throwback) 2023-08-10
#1499 January 6th Insurrection Hearings (Everyone Knew The Lie Was A Lie) (Repost) 2023-08-09
#1576 How Florida's education reform works to maintain unjust power imbalances 2023-08-07
Bonus Sample #275 Alternate Universes 2023-08-04
#1575 Cluster Headache, Matching War Crimes with War Crimes Against Russia in Ukraine 2023-08-02
#1497 A Healthier Humanity Through a Wellness Economy (Repost) 2023-07-31
#TBT #1250 Teachers at the forefront of a resurgent progressive labor movement (Throwback) 2023-07-28

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