Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!


Title Date published
#1305 How to Build an Empire (A History of American Expansion) (Repost) 2021-08-07
#1357 What Trump is Invoking When He Invokes Manifest Destiny (Repost) 2021-08-04
#1432 Wishing Cuba well in one breath, enforcing the embargo in the next 2021-08-01
#1431 Stealing Native Children and Their Future (Residential Schools) 2021-07-29
#1430 Abortion laws are changing and so is how we talk about it 2021-07-24
#1334 Your Life Will Have Been What You Paid Attention To (Attention Economy) (Repost) 2021-07-22
Bonus Sample: Even Nazis Want to do a War Dance 2021-07-16
#1429 The Grit, Glory and Gaslighting of the Olympic Games 2021-07-14
#1361 Building a Better System of Justice (Repost) 2021-07-10
#1428 Labor Shortages and the War to Keep Wages Low and Profits High 2021-07-07
Bonus: Justifications rather than justice 2021-07-03
#1427 The Consequences of Everyday Racism 2021-06-30
#1426 The Liberation and Assimilation of Pride Month 2021-06-27
#1425 Remembering and Learning from History (Tulsa Massacre and Juneteenth) 2021-06-24
#1424 Fighting with at least two hands tied (Conservative Democrats Manchin and Sinema) 2021-06-19
Value: Health Insurance companies and Surveillance Capitalism 2021-06-16
#1423 A Microcosm of our Broken Society (Sports) 2021-06-12
#1422 Teach No Evil, Protest No Evil, Vote Not At All 2021-06-10
#1421 The Rise of China and the Freak Out of the West 2021-06-07
#1420 Alexa Is Not Your Friend (Digital vs Democratic Futures) 2021-06-02

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