Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!


Title Date published
#1460 The Growing Threat of Minority Rule 2021-12-12
#1459 Disability Is Not Merely Physical or Mental But Is Also Social 2021-12-09
Bonus Sample #242 It's Always the Season for Male Supremacy 2021-12-07
#1458 White Supremacy on Trial (Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Arbery Murder, Charlottesville Nazis) 2021-12-03
#1385 The Lost Causes of the Confederacy and the Forty Fives (Repost) 2021-11-28
#1457 GOP Authoritarianism Will Likely To Get Worse Before It Gets Better 2021-11-25
#1456 Capitalism and Colonialism vs Climate Progress 2021-11-20
Bonus Sample: You want it to be one way, but it's that other way 2021-11-18
#1379 Tell Stories, Not Myths: Democracy in America (Repost) 2021-11-16
#1455 How to End Homelessness 2021-11-13
#1454 The Problem with Facebook is Facebook 2021-11-10
Bonus Edition: Playing With Children 2021-11-08
#1453 The Tea Party Too (School Board Backlash and the Dark Money Behind It) 2021-11-06
#1452 Worked to Death: Pandemics Expose the Power of Labor 2021-11-04
#1376 Tell Stories, Not Myths: America is a Force But Not Always For Good (Repost + Bonus Clips) 2021-10-31
#1451 The Foxification of American Media (Fox News 25th Anniversary) 2021-10-28
#1450 Tax the Mother-Forking Rich (Pandora Papers and other Financial Tricks) 2021-10-23
Bonus Sample #239 You probably need a therapist 2021-10-22
#1449 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, 2Spirit and Relatives (MMIWG2S+) 2021-10-20
#1448 Pillars of Copaganda and the Lies We Are Told About Police 2021-10-17

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