<p>Whatever your business conundrum, there’s a TED Talk for that—whether you want to learn how to land that promotion, set smart goals, undo injustice at work, or unlock the next big innovation. Every Monday, host Modupe Akinola of Columbia Business School presents the most powerful and surprising ideas that illuminate the business world. After the talk, you'll get a mini-lesson from Modupe on how to apply the ideas in your own life. Because business evolves every day, and our ideas about it should, too.</p>


Title Date published
An optimist's take on reskilling in the age of AI | Sagar Goel 2024-07-22
The problem with being "too nice" at work | Tessa West 2024-07-15
Why the world needs more builders — and less "us vs. them" | Daniel Lubetzky 2024-07-08
Why the "wrong side of the tracks" is usually the east side of cities | Stephen DeBerry 2024-07-01
5 parenting tips for raising self-reliant kids | Tameka Montgomery 2024-06-24
The art of persuasive storytelling | Kelly D. Parker 2024-06-17
What you can do to stop economic crime | Hanjo Seibert 2024-06-10
How to make stress your friend (from A Slight Change of Plans) 2024-06-09
My epic journey becoming the fastest person to paddle around Australia | Bonnie Hancock 2024-06-03
3 money lessons from infamous scam artists | J Mase III 2024-05-27
A comedian's take on how to save democracy | Jordan Klepper 2024-05-20
How to live with economic doomsaying | Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak 2024-05-13
Why are women still taken less seriously than men? | Mary Ann Sieghart 2024-05-06
How business can improve the world, not just the bottom line | Esha Chhabra 2024-04-29
Climate action's hidden opportunities for women | Zineb Sqalli 2024-04-22
How business leaders can renew democracy | Daniella Ballou-Aares 2024-04-15
3 steps to better connect with your fellow humans | Amber Cabral 2024-04-08
6 tips on being a successful entrepreneur | John Mullins 2024-04-01
How Bill Gates spends $9 billion a year - The TED Interview 2024-03-30
The one question every aspiring leader needs to ask | Constance Hockaday 2024-03-28

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