Overcoming Distractions is a book written by David A Greenwood on thriving with Adult ADHD. The Podcast is a show dedicated to telling the stories of those who have thrived with ADHD. From small business owners, inventors, entrepreneurs and many more, you will hear how they have used ADHD in their favor and tools to make ADHD work for you. There is no complaining here, just street smart advice on how to crush ADHD. Even if you don’t have ADHD, you’ll hear how these entrepreneurs and coaches define success and get action items that you can implement in your life.


Title Date published
Navigating the world of adult ADHD 2021-05-01
Envisioning Kindness 2021-04-10
ADHD, Productivity and the concept of focus and bonus 2021-03-27
The power of saying NO-lower your stress by learning this important word 2021-03-20
Creating a positive mindset, the Inventive Labs Way 2021-03-13
Ditch negative thinking and develop a positive mindset with your ADHD 2021-03-06
A new way to set goals when you have ADHD 2021-02-27
Understanding self-regulation when you have ADHD 2021-02-20
Be the creator of your life and live big 2021-02-13
Celebrating small wins when you have ADHD 2021-02-06
Getting your ADHD life on a positive cycle for 2021 2021-01-30
How to communicate with different brains in a remote workplace 2021-01-23
What productivity really means when you have ADHD 2021-01-16
Hey you with ADHD-Have more fun this year 2021-01-09
Adult ADHD’ers-What is your plan for 2021? 2021-01-06
The power of self-discipline-Part 2 2021-01-02
How to get out of your own way when you have ADHD 2020-12-26
ADHD and radical self-acceptance Part 2 2020-12-19
A Journey of Self Discipline Part 1 2020-12-12
Radical Self-Acceptance with Adult ADHD Part 1 2020-11-28

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