Expert Guests, Expansive Topics, Extolling Christ


Title Date published
1021. Christians in the Woke Workplace – Christian Preus, 4/11/24 2024-04-11
1013. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (One-Year Lectionary): Third Sunday of Easter – Pr. Will Weedon, 4/10/24 2024-04-10
1012. The Altar Guild – Pr. Larry Peters, 4/10/24 2024-04-10
1011. A Column for The Free Press Titled, “I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust” – Terry Mattingly, 4/10/24 2024-04-10
1003. Encore: Rick Warren, Female Pastors and the Southern Baptist Convention – Dr. Denny Burk, 4/9/24 2024-04-09
1002. Teaching a Sunday School Lesson: Jesus Calls Matthew – Pr. Tom Baker, 4/9/24 2024-04-09
1001. Donald Trump’s Statement on Abortion – Marilyn Musgrave, 4/9/24 2024-04-09
0992. Encore: The Easter Hymn, “With High Delight” – Pr. Will Weedon, 4/8/24 2024-04-08
0991. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Third Sunday of Easter – Pr. Sean Daenzer, 4/8/24 2024-04-08
0963. Christian Identity vs. Identity Politics – Dr. John Bombaro, 4/5/24 2024-04-05
0962. Responding to Listener Email and the Issues, Etc. Comment Line, 4/5/24 2024-04-05
0961. Teaching Chastity – Stephanie Neugebauer, 4/5/24 2024-04-05
0953. This Week in Pop-Christianity: Evangelical Prophecies about the Solar Eclipse – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 4/4/24 2024-04-04
0952. Teaching a Sunday School Lesson: Jesus Heals a Man at the Pool of Bethesda – Pr. Tom Baker, 4/4/24 2024-04-04
0951. Media Coverage of Missed Recruitment Goals for the US Military – Terry Mattingly, 4/4/24 2024-04-04
0942. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (One-Year Lectionary): Second Sunday of Easter – Pr. Will Weedon, 4/3/24 2024-04-03
0941. What Is Your Favorite Easter Hymn and Why? 4/3/24 2024-04-03
0932. Encore: The Easter Hymn, “Jesus Lives! The Victory’s Won”- Dr. Arthur Just, 4/2/24 2024-04-02
0931. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Second Sunday of Easter – Pr. Sean Daenzer, 4/2/24 2024-04-02
0921. The Hymn, “At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing” – Dr. Arthur Just, 4/1/24 2024-03-31

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