Tami Simon, Founder and Publisher of Sounds True interviews spiritual teachers, visionary writers, and living luminaries about their newest work and current challenges—the growing edge of their inner inquiry and outer contribution to the world.


Title Date published
Jordan Davidson: So When Are You Having Kids? 2023-01-24
Ken Hansraj: Watch Your Back—Relieve Back Pain Without Surgery 2023-01-17
Elaine Gibson: Learning from Family Systems Theory 2023-01-10
Caverly Morgan: The Heart of Who We Are 2023-01-03
Lynne Twist: Finding Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger than You 2022-12-27
Gabor Maté: Healing into Wholeness in a Toxic Culture 2022-12-20
Christopher Willard: How We Grow Through What We Go Through 2022-12-13
Miranda Macpherson: The Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation 2022-12-06
Christian Conte: Healing Conflict: Listen, Validate, Then Explore Options 2022-11-29
Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg: Mending the World with a Prophetic Voice 2022-11-22
Jules Blaine Davis: Meet the Kitchen Healer 2022-11-17
Yung Pueblo: Becoming Lighter Through a Strong Determination to Heal 2022-11-15
Gabby Bernstein: The Self-Led Journey Through Addiction Recovery and Trauma 2022-11-08
Susan Cain: Bittersweet: The Hidden Riches in Sorrow and Longing 2022-11-01
Liz Goldwyn: Sex, Health, and Consciousness 2022-10-27
Danielle LaPorte: How to Be Loving 2022-10-25
Vanessa Loder: Listening to the Voice of Your Soul 2022-10-18
Melissa Brown: Nourishing Your Nervous System 2022-10-11
Mary Firestone: Trusting the Dawn: Choosing Freedom and Joy After Trauma 2022-10-04
The Surprising Power of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) 2022-09-27

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