Overcoming Distractions is a book written by David A Greenwood on thriving with Adult ADHD. The Podcast is a show dedicated to telling the stories of those who have thrived with ADHD. From small business owners, inventors, entrepreneurs and many more, you will hear how they have used ADHD in their favor and tools to make ADHD work for you. There is no complaining here, just street smart advice on how to crush ADHD. Even if you don’t have ADHD, you’ll hear how these entrepreneurs and coaches define success and get action items that you can implement in your life.


Title Date published
Understanding emotional and cognitive processing with Adult ADHD 2022-12-17
3 lists for your ADHD brain in the New Year 2022-12-14
How an entrepreneur with ADHD built a passion project 2022-12-10
ADHD and the power of grouping tasks and projects 2022-12-07
Overlooked elements entrepreneurs with ADHD need to know 2022-12-03
Finding a To Do List that works with our ADHD brains 2022-11-29
Tips for reevaluating your career and life as an adult with ADHD 2022-11-19
ADHD and clarity in the workplace-why having it is mission critical 2022-11-16
Should I disclose my ADHD to my employer? 2022-11-12
Have you been diagnosed with ADHD recently? Must haves for thriving 2022-11-07
5 favorite brain hacks..and more… for adults with ADHD 2022-11-05
How an entrepreneur with ADHD grew his copywriting agency to 7 figures 2022-10-29
How to find what energizes you when you have ADHD 2022-10-22
14 things you NEED to know about burnout 2022-10-19
Managing ADHD, burnout, and productivity at the same time 2022-10-15
Three simple things this week to help you manage adult ADHD 2022-10-12
How does accountability help those with adult ADHD? 2022-10-08
ADHD and entrepreneurship. 4 things to consider…and more… 2022-10-01
How to Communicate Your Needs at Work Without Mentioning ADHD 2022-09-24
Minimize the chaos when you have ADHD 2022-09-21

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