For history lovers who listen to podcasts, History Unplugged is the most comprehensive show of its kind. It's the only show that dedicates episodes to both interviewing experts and answering questions from its audience. First, it features a call-in show where you can ask our resident historian (Scott Rank, PhD) absolutely anything (What was it like to be a Turkish sultan with four wives and twelve concubines? If you were sent back in time, how would you kill Hitler?). Second, it features long-form interviews with best-selling authors who have written about everything. Topics include gruff World War II generals who flew with airmen on bombing raids, a war horse who gained the rank of sergeant, and presidents who gave their best speeches while drunk.


Title Date published
Bringing Abraham and Mary Todd to Life in Steven Spielberg's “Lincoln”—Historical Consultant Catherine Clinton 2017-12-18
Meet Nathaniel Clark Smith, the Melchizedek of Jazz—Bill McKemy 2017-12-11
The Story of Human Language, From Proto Indo-European to Ebonics English—John McWhorter 2017-12-04
The Causes of World War 2 2017-12-01
The Causes of World War 1 2017-11-30
Is There Any Hard Evidence Hannibal Took Elephants Over the Alps? 2017-11-29
The Greek Military Owned The Ancient World. Why Did They Roll Over For the Romans? 2017-11-28
Why Food Tells Us More About a Culture Than Anything Else—Ken Alba 2017-11-27
The Electoral College Isn't an Outdated 18th-Century Relic; It Keeps America From Falling Apart—Tara Ross 2017-11-24
Arabic Numerals Took Over 600 Years To Spread Across the West 2017-11-23
A Short History of the War of the Roses 2017-11-22
Richard Francis Burton—The Man Who Knew the Most Languages in History 2017-11-21
The Scopes Monkey Trial, HL Mencken, and Religion in Public Life—Darryl Hart 2017-11-20
The Reformation Happened 500 Years Ago, But It's More Timely Than Ever—Benjamin Wiker 2017-11-17
How Did You Call the Police Before the Phone Was Invented? 2017-11-16
All the Presidents Who Owned Slaves and How They Treated Them 2017-11-15
Who Were Worse—The Spanish Conquistadors or the Aztecs? 2017-11-14
The Lives of Slaves, Heretics, Cave-Dwellers, and Other People Ancient History Never Tells You About—Robert Garland 2017-11-13
What Did Entertainment Do To The Romans? 2017-11-10
Syriac-The Best Language for Conquering The Ancient World 2017-11-09

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