This is the weekly show where we discuss the DC Extended Universe, including The Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman, Justice League, The Flash, Aquaman, and all of the other upcoming DC Movies! We also talk about the DC TV and Animated Universes and some DC Comics and Video Game news as well! DCEU, DCCU, DCTV, DCAU, DCU, Video Games, and Comics!


Title Date published
316: The Times They Are A-Changin' 2021-09-07
315: Sad But True 2021-08-22
314: The Review of "The Suicide Squad" (2021) 2021-08-07
313: My Turn... 2021-08-04
312: Delivering the Anti-Hero You Deserve 2021-07-21
Squadcast Movies 009: A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) 2021-07-08
311: Dying to Save the World 2021-06-30
310: Batman's No Hero 2021-06-22
309: Prepare for Battle [Our Review of Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King] 2021-06-16
308: Why's it so Dark? 2021-06-07
307: Take a Deep Breath 2021-05-25
Squadcast Movies 008: Army of the Dead (2021) 2021-05-17
306: Just Watching on This One 2021-05-11
Squadcast Movies 007: Warrior (2011) 2021-05-03
305: Hiding Behind Numbers 2021-04-26
304: Not Beyond Forgiveness 2021-04-12
303: Deathstroke on HBO Max 2021-04-06
302: Fool To Do Your Dirty Work 2021-03-29
301: Be Very Careful With the Next Thing You Say 2021-03-24
300: The Review of Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) 2021-03-18

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