JS on Politics is a weekly look at the people and politics of swing-state Wisconsin, featuring updates from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's political team in Washington, Madison and Milwaukee.


Title Date published
7/16/15: John Doe ruling, arena updates and Walker's campaign 2016-07-15
7/7/16: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and Rocky Marcoux 2016-07-08
Milwaukee's residency rule, GOP vs. Trump, state elections 2016-06-26
6/2/16: Tomah VA scandal, Trump and Clinton, VP picks for Wisconsin 2016-06-03
5/26/16: Trump, Clinton, redistricting, Voter ID 2016-05-26
5/19/16: Diane Sykes, Frank Lasee's homes, voter ID trial 2016-05-19
5/12/16: Paul Ryan, Donald Trump and the GOP 2016-05-13
5/5/16: Donald Trump clears path to the GOP nomination 2016-05-05
04/28/16: Feingold's PAC, Justice Prosser, problem landlords 2016-04-28
JS OnPolitics 042116 2016-04-22
4/14/16: Milwaukee races, Paul Ryan, and a New York state of mind 2016-04-14
4/7/2016: A final look at the results of Tuesday's elections 2016-04-07
3/31/16: Candidates converge on Wisconsin for Tuesday's primary 2016-03-31
3/24/16: Presidential race comes to Wisconsin 2016-03-24
3/17/16: Bice interviews Mayor Barrett; Obama makes his Supreme Court nomination 2016-03-24
3/10/16: Wisconsin Supreme Court race heats up 2016-03-24
2/25/16: Trump vs. Democrats, Ron Johnson’s stance on the Supreme Court nomination, money in Wisconsin politics, and Milwaukee elections 2016-02-25
2/18/16: Busy week in Madison, spring election races and South Carolina primay 2016-02-20
2/12/16: Democratic debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Legislature and election 2016 2016-02-14
2/4/16: New Hampshire, Ron Johnson, Clarke vs. Abele, and Scott Walker's presidential edorsement 2016-02-05

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