Welcome to the (in)courage podcast! We are all different ages, in different life stages, and we come from different cultures and churches, but our common thread is the hope of Jesus. Each weekday we meet you right where you are as one of our writers shares what’s going on in her everyday life and how God’s right in the middle of it all. We bring our joys and struggles equally so that you can feel less alone, and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives. We hope you’ll bring us along with you on your morning walks, driving to the grocery store, waiting in the preschool pickup line, alone in your kitchen, or as you wind down for the evening. Wherever you join us, you’re welcome here, and we’re honored to be a part of your day. Read our daily posts at incourage.me. The (in)courage podcast is brought to you by DaySpring. For over 50 years, DaySpring has created quality cards, books, and gifts that help you live your faith. Find out more at DaySpring.com.


Title Date published
Michelle Reyes: Why God Calls Our Troubles Light and Momentary 2022-08-22
Bonus Episode: Voices of Lament, with Grace P. Cho 2022-08-20
Jennifer Dukes Lee: A Lesson from Two Sick Pigs, A Herd of Hogs, and a Divine Farmer Named Jesus 2022-08-19
Bonnie Gray: Overcoming Regret and Why It's Important to Your Joy 2022-08-18
Jami Nato: Real Relief if You're Jacked-up, Worn out, and Weary 2022-08-17
Grace P. Cho: In Lament, We Hope 2022-08-16
Barb Roose: Pop Bottle Glasses and the Gift of Spiritual Vision 2022-08-15
Bonus Episode: Prayers from the Parking Lot, with Mary Carver 2022-08-13
Experiencing Peace That Doesn’t Begin to Make Sense 2022-08-12
Dawn Camp: Stepping Back into the Connection You Were Made for 2022-08-11
Rachel Marie Kang: For When Your Life Is Falling Apart 2022-08-10
Mary Carver: Prayers From the Parking Lot 2022-08-09
Jen Schmidt: Send the Text. Make the Call. Sit with Her. 2022-08-08
Erica Stidham: Even in the Worst of Times, Jesus Will Not Fail You 2022-08-05
Michele Cushatt: Be Still. Now Move! 2022-08-04
K. J. Ramsey: Welcoming Women Through Our Wounds 2022-08-03
Emma Mae McDaniel: How to Keep Steady in the Midst of Unsteady Opinions 2022-08-02
Marie Chan: Finding Faith When Tragedy Strikes 2022-08-01
Holley Gerth: Encouragement for the Days You Don’t Feel Good Enough 2022-08-01
Melissa Zaldivar: Why You Need to Keep a Radar on the Storms in Your Heart 2022-07-29

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