Sharing stories of coming back to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If you have a story of coming back email for business inquiries email


Title Date published
Life was good for Shane and his young family, but after experiencing health issues he found himself on his knees and rediscovering his faith 2023-07-23
After partying through High School and College, Brooke desperately needed change. She turned toward her Savior and found the light she needed in her life 2023-07-17
After returning to the faith she was brought up in, Katie shares her experience going through a divorce and being a single mom in the church 2023-07-09
Wendi's experience living in a marriage with her spouse in a faith crisis. Her advice on how to navigate the complexities while still respecting boundaries. 2023-07-02
Kyle's journey through his struggles and triumphs as he experiences tragedy at a young age. His testimony of God the Father and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 2023-06-25
How Hannah's struggle with Scrupulosity led her to a faith crisis and how she was able to come out stronger on the other side. 2023-06-18
Trevor came back after years of struggling for a direction in life - his inspiring testimony of Jesus Christ 2023-06-11
Mandy's powerful conversion and how she found The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through the help of so many around her. 2023-06-04
Jaxon struggled with many aspects of the church as a youth, but he learned the value and power of repentance from his mission, as it brought him closer to Jesus Christ. 2023-05-28
A young woman's experience in an abusive relationship that shook her faith. Her story of healing and how it strengthened her faith in Jesus Christ when she turned to Him. 2023-05-22
Amber grew up in a troubled home, after finding joy reading The Book of Mormon she comes back to the church. She now volunteers with youth and loves being a foster parent. 2023-05-14
Don Bradley, a church historian that was disillusioned by Joseph Smith, removed his records. After more studying, he discovered his faith being strengthened and returned to the LDS church. 2023-05-07
How wrestling with questions helped Lindsi strengthen her relationship with her Savior, Jesus Christ. 2023-05-01
Alan opens up about his struggles with mental health and infertility. His story of his return with his family and the miracles that ensued. 2023-04-24
After high school Josh left the church and became very hostile towards it. After his divorce, a stake president changed his life in a moment the led him back to the waters of baptism. 2023-04-17
Bekah's experience with family falling away, girls camp, and intimate moments that helped guide her back to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 2023-04-10
In Wayne's teenage years he was convinced the church wasn't true, until reading the Book of Mormon proved him wrong. Now an ordained patriarch Wayne testifies of revelation and Christ's gospel. 2023-04-04
Bruce and Marie Hafen discuss overcoming faith challenges, Neal A. Maxwell, and their organization Faith is Not Blind - November Book Club 2023-03-30
Bruce, a hippy with a career in the Air Force, finds his way back to the gospel of Jesus Christ and serves a mission with his wife for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 2023-03-27
Brooke's family left the church when the beliefs of a fringe group appeal to their own ideas. Brooke came back and was soon faced with unresolved questions. Her enlightening story back 2023-03-19

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