The OFFICIAL MrCreepyPasta Storytime!<br /><br />Hey there kids! It's me, MrCreepyPasta! And I think I might have found a new way to bring Creepypasta stories from the deep dark stones of the crypt and right to the ear balls in your head. If you're as excited as I am to hear a good story of terror and fear as I am then give me a subscription, hide under your blanket, and prepare yourself for some sweet dreams. <br /><br />Creepypasta Storytime is a collection of some of the most horrifying (and occasionally funny) stories, or Creepypastas, that the internet has to offer and narrated to you by the Blue Man himself. The podcast is taken directly from the YouTube channel of the same name and is always open to suggestions for new stories and submissions from you. <a href=""></a><br /><br />Support the podcast here: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>


Title Date published
I'm a Guard Stationed at a 'Secret' Government Prison by Mr_Outlaw_ (4/10) 2022-06-12
The Mobster's Wife: My Idiot Mobster Husband Killed the Wrong Guy by beardify (1/3) 2022-06-11
I'm a Guard Stationed at a 'Secret' Government Prison by Mr_Outlaw_ (3/10) 2022-06-10
I'm Invisible Every Day Except My Birthday by Jordan Grupe 2022-06-08
Tales from a Rookie Storm Chaser: The Hunter and the Hunted by Kyle Harrison (4/14) 2022-06-03
Past a certain age, a human without a partner can be a bad WeirdBryceGuy 2022-06-02
Samuel Singer's Babysitting Service by Samuel Singer 2022-05-30
Tales from a Rookie Storm Chaser: The Mouth of the Storm by Kyle Harrison (3/14) 2022-05-30
I'm a Guard Stationed at a 'Secret' Government Prison by Mr_Outlaw_ (2/10) 2022-05-27
Tales from a Rookie Storm Chaser: Never Eat Breakfast in Emerald Bay by Kyle Harrison (2/14) 2022-05-26
Lily Madwhip and the Other Knife That Pierces the Veil by William Dalphin (11/?) (Guest Storytime) 2022-05-26
Tales from a Rookie Storm Chaser by Kyle Harrison (1/14) 2022-05-21
I'm a Guard Stationed at a 'Secret' Government Prison by Mr_Outlaw_ (1/10) 2022-05-18
I Work as a Groundskeeper at Ғылыми қондырғы by MikeJesus 2022-05-15
The Report by TallieTal13 2022-05-15
I'm a Firefighter and What I Found in the Last Fire Creeped Me Out by Michael Kelso 2022-05-15
Head in the Fridge by Vincent V. Cava 2022-05-14
Consumption: The Final Breath by Mythos_Industries (3/3) 2022-05-13
It’s Making Her Behave Very Strangely by An_Obscurity_Nodus 2022-05-13
Hell Bound: Fourth One’s a Charm by Dale Drake (4/?) 2022-05-08

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