The laws of macro investing are being re-written, and investors who fail to adapt to the rapidly changing monetary environment will struggle to keep pace. Jack Farley interviews the brightest minds in finance about which asset classes they think will thrive in the financial future that they envision.


Title Date published
Think Rising Rates Are Good For Banks? Think Again! 2022-04-18
Slaying the Inflation Dragon | Jurrien Timmer 2022-04-14
Inflation Forces The Fed's Hand | Joseph Wang & George Goncalves 2022-04-13
Birth of the U.S. Dollar | Roger Lowenstein 2022-04-10
Bullish Commodities? Not So Fast | Lukas Kuemmerle 2022-04-07
Zoltan Pozsar Calls For Bretton Woods III | Joseph Wang 2022-04-06
Inflationary Recession Is On The Horizon | Paul Hodges 2022-04-03
When Volatility Strikes, Watch Out! | Kris Sidial 2022-03-31
Nothing Destroys Inflation Like a Recession | Darius Dale 2022-03-27
Will Janet Yellen Pull the Trigger? | Andy Constan 2022-03-24
The Fed's Forward Guidance Is No More | with Nick Timiraos 2022-03-22
Short Selling in the Age of Fraud | Carson Block 2022-03-20
Options Trading for Macro Investors | Imran Lakha 2022-03-17
The Bond Market Has Spoken. Should Investors Listen? | Joseph Wang & Harley Bassman 2022-03-16
Fed Faces "Debt Death Spiral" While Inflation Soars | Luke Gromen & Jim Bianco 2022-03-13
Gold to $10,000 in The Big Reset | Willem Middelkoop 2022-03-10
Does The Fed Control The Dollar? | Jeff Snider & Joseph Wang 2022-03-08
The "Money Illusion" Keeps the Economy Hot | Juliette Declercq 2022-03-06
Kharkiv Under Siege Yet Russian Oil Still Flows | Jacob Shapiro 2022-03-04
The Central Bank Of Russia Is On The Defensive with Joseph Wang & Frances Coppola 2022-03-03

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